Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Following the Signs: SOLSC Day 6

For the month of March, I'll be writing with all you in the Slice of Life community.  Disclaimer:  I'll be writing every day so the writing will be raw and a bit messy most days. 

The signs were there all day.  The alarm rang once, and I hit snooze. Eight minutes later the snooze alarmed and I hit snooze again.  Finally, after 24 minutes of snoozing,  I drugged myself out of bed and headed to the shower.

I went through my morning routine, shower, makeup, hair, and choosing the first thing I saw in my closet to wear.  I drove to work and settled in the PD lounge for a day of grade level meetings.

The meetings proceeded, and I was happy with the level of conversation and production.  Pedagogies were shared, articles passed around, plans made, and dates scheduled.

As the last group said their goodbyes, I began to reflect on the day all the while fighting to keep my eyes open.  I packed up and called it a day.  As I drove home all I could think about was taking a nap.

I pulled in the garage at 4:10 and the next thing I knew my husband was calling me to eat dinner.  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, looked at the clock, and sat down to dinner.

 It's incredible what a three-hour nap can do for the soul!


  1. It's so hard to be "on" all the time. You really captured the day!

  2. Whoa! That was a serious siesta! You really must have needed it. Good for you. I love a good nap myself, and try to catch one every now and then on weekends.

  3. Glad you took that nap - a bit a sleep can do wonders!

  4. I enjoy your post and had to read that last line twice after I realized that you left me the clue that you had fallen asleep. Well done! More than that, I have to say, the quote at the top of your blog today is what will stick with me. Thank you for capturing these words of wisdom and for setting such a stance for your slices. It makes me try harder tomorrow.
