Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Big Syrupy Sunday Breakfast and Kleinfeld Dreams -SOLSC Day 5

For years, I would make a big syrupy Sunday breakfast for my family. After eating breakfast we would all cozy up in the family room. Tim in the recliner with the Sunday paper, the girls and I on the leather sectional with a fuzzy blanket. All watching "Say Yes to the Dress," even Tim peering over the paper to weigh in on the fit and flare over the princess gown. 

Watching "Say Yes to the Dress" was (and is) a family love for all of us, but for Olivia, the show meant a bit more. Olivia was planning a fashion career and interning or working at Kleinfeld's was on her radar.

Fast forward four years, Olivia is a college senior, majoring in fashion merchandising. This week she is visiting New York as a part of her course work with her university. Today, her agenda included a tour of Kleinfeld! To say Olivia was excited is an understatement!

Today, I got a text from, Olivia "Went to Kleinfeld and they were filming!" I am not sure if her career path is still leading her to Kleinfeld but, maybe after a big syrupy Sunday breakfast, we will see her in Kleinfeld after all!


  1. How much fun to watch your children plan their dreams, and then get sooo close to one!

  2. You had me at Kleinfeld! I love watching Say Yes to the Dress. It’s a guilty obsession. I don’t have daughters, so my husband *has* to watch w/ me.

  3. I love this peek into your Sunday routines and it's so exciting to hear that your daughter is living out her dreams! (Also, when I lived in New York, I tried on dresses at Kleinfelds once - it was quite an experience!)
