Thursday, March 7, 2019

Sometimes is Part of Special

This week can’t end soon enough for me, actullay Monday can’t come soon enough for me! It seems weird to be wishing my weekend away and hoping for Monday before Friday has even arrived. But you see, while I know the weekend is going to be relaxing and will give me time to catch up with my husband and run a few errands, Monday holds something FAR greater. Monday’s promise is special because it doesn’t happen every day. As a matter of fact, Monday’s joy carries on through the entire week, and then, on Friday it reaches a new height.

Monday’s promise holds irony too. You see, Monday’s promise wasn’t always special because sometimes is part of special. Monday wasn’t always special, Monday was routine, Monday was seven days a week, 24 hours a day. People told me to enjoy it. People told me it would go fast. People told me I’d miss it. I heard them, I embraced every minute but, the truth is, somethings are too amazing  not miss when they become part of sometimes.

Monday can’t come soon enough for me. Monday my youngest daughter comes home for Spring break. My oldest daughter joins the party on Friday. For two and a half days we will embrace every glorious minute of the special in sometimes.


  1. Oh, how fun! I hope you get to have many MANY glorious minutes! :-) ~JudyK

  2. Well that's a good reason to wish for Monday before the weekend even comes! Enjoy every minute!

  3. I could feel the excited anticipation throughout this piece and was dying to know what Monday will bring by the time I got to the end. Enjoy the time with your daughters! I hope Monday comes quickly for you (but not too soon for the rest of us 😉).
