Monday, June 10, 2013

Learning Together IS the Best!

Schools out for the summer but, learning and professional development continue right from my patio!  One summer morning I grabbed my iced mocha, my laptop and headed to the patio.  As I browsed my twitter feed and blogs I found @mariacaplin’s post- Wondering into Summer with our Little Buddies.

This post inspired  Weekly Wonder on our classroom blog.  In Maria's post she explains how her firth grade class worked to extend the wondering of their first grade buddies into the the summer.  This idea really grabbed my attention! I left a comment on Maria's blog asking her to share a few more of her student's wonders. Today as I started to post my first wonder I found Maria had made a new post, Learning Together is the Best. Maria was nice enough to share more wonders from her fifth graders! 

I am inviting YOU to join our first grade class, Mrs. Caplin's fifth graders and the "Twitterverse" in Our Weekly Wonder! The more participants the stronger the learning for our kids!

THANK YOU MARIA! You made my day! 

1 comment:

  1. Excited to be wondering about the 9 lives of a cat. I know that our barn kittens are involved in lots of mischief, and I love watching them weave in and out of trouble.
