Friday, February 24, 2012

Breaking Down the Walls~ VoiceThread

Each year The Dublin City Schools hosts the Dublin Literacy Conference. It's always a fantastic conference, I feel so fortunate to live so close to such a great resource! This year, @ohionicole of Book Nook and I had the privilege of presenting at the conference. We shared the impact of digitally publishing student work to provide authentic audiences, invite conversations, and to build a communities of readers and writers. The presentation is linked here.

Haven't Been to the Dublin Litereacy Conference? 
If you haven't attended the Dublin Literacy conference you really should mark you calendar for next year! I sat in a general session with Donalyn Miller, teacher, author of the Book Whisperer  tweeter,(@donalynbooks) and blogger,  listening to Sharon Draper, @s7d7 read her book Out Of My Mind. I also met a few of my tweeps who traveled in for the conference, @missbamberger  who blogs at MissBamberger@cyarzy who blogs at MissYarzabeck (you can finder the #dublit12 twitter chat here) and @Komos72 who blogs at Our Camp Read-A-Lot! These are just a few of the GREAT minds sharing their time, perspectives and experiences. It will take me a while to reflect on this amazing experience but, it's Sunday afternoon, and I can't wait to get to go to school tomorrow and share my new learning with my kids! This alone speaks to the power of the conference!

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