Thursday, March 24, 2016

Two Bits, Four Bits, Six Bits a Dollar All Stand Up For SOLSC Day 24

As my girls are seeking summer employment, I am reminded of the many jobs I held as a teenager. Through my many jobs from pharmacy tech, restaurant hostess, and retail, one job really stands out. I worked at a local franchise of a Stride Rite Shoes. This was a job I held from high school through graduation and loved every minute! I learned so many lessons working for Joel (franchise owner) and Stride Rite, but that's a post for another day. Today's post is a little short story about what employees might do on a slow day for a little entertainment.

Our store was located in a back hall of the mall right next to the Orange Julius. Being next to an Orange Julius kept our hallway a flurry of traffic even on the slowest days. It was this flurry of traffic that sparked our idea. I honestly don't remember who came up with the idea, but someone suggested we super glue money in the middle of the hallway floor just outside our door.

It didn't take long for everyone to agree and before we knew we had one nickel, two pennies, a tube of super glue, and we were gluing money to the floor. We all stepped back into the store and worked to look busy as we waited for our victims. We watched as a few unexpecting shoppers bent down to pick up the coins. After the coins were known to be stuck a few customers attempted to kick the coins loose. We watched, we chuckled and then we waited some more. While we had a few stop and tried to pick up the money, we wanted to see if we could get more people to stop.

So, we added more coins of a higher value, and we waited. Finally, an older gentleman stopped and worked to pick up the coins. After a few minutes, he conceded to the glue and walked away. We were shocked to see the gentleman return about ten minutes later carrying a pudding knife. He bent down, worked at the coins and victory, he had freed the coins, slid them into his pocket and walked away!

We laughed for days about our little plot and this man's determination. This is a story I have enjoyed sharing a good laugh, and as I write here for our SLOSC community, I see the many lessons I have learned from this adventure.


  1. Having a little innocent fun makes for some great humor therapy! It's amazing that someone would go the trouble of coming back with tools to retrieve the coins.

  2. Oh the days of an honest prank. Did some myself. It seems like these days kids cannot play innocent pranks without getting into serious trouble. The stakes are high these days.
